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Turkish Airlines Captain Dies in plane here is what you need to know

A Turkish Airlines flight had to make an unexpected stop in New York after a sad event in the sky. Here’s what happened to Captain on this important flight from Seattle to Istanbul.

What Happened in Captain cockpit?

First of all, the plane took off from Seattle at 7:02 PM on Tuesday evening. Everything was going normally until about eight hours into the flight. Then suddenly, something unexpected happened to the Captain.

The Emergency Situation of Captain


During the flight, Captain İlçehin Pehlivan became very sick. Even though the crew tried their best to help him right away, sadly, they couldn’t save him. As a result, the co-pilot knew they had to land the plane quickly and safely.

How Did They Handle It?

Moreover, the co-pilot made a smart decision. Instead of continuing to Istanbul, they carefully turned the plane toward New York. After that, they landed safely at John F. Kennedy Airport early Wednesday morning, just before 6 AM.

Taking Care of the Passengers

Following the landing, the airline team worked hard to help everyone on board. Additionally, they quickly made new travel plans for all the passengers. Furthermore, they made sure everyone was comfortable and well-informed about what would happen next.

About the Captain

Looking back, Captain Pehlivan had been flying with Turkish Airlines for many years – since 2007. Furthermore, he was 59 years old and had just passed his health check on March 8. Notably, there were no signs that he had any health problems at that time.

What the Airline Said

Subsequently, the airline spokesperson, Yahya Üstün, spoke about what happened. Most importantly, he shared that they were very sad about losing their captain. In addition, they sent their deepest sympathy to the captain’s family and friends.

Why This Story Matters

This event shows us several important things:

  • First, pilots are trained to handle unexpected problems
  • Second, having two pilots on long flights is very important
  • Third, airlines have good plans for emergencies
  • Finally, flight crews work together to keep passengers safe

What We Learned

In conclusion, while this was a very sad event, it shows how well-trained airline crews are. Most importantly, everyone worked together to make sure all the passengers landed safely. As a result, we can see how airlines handle tough situations professionally and carefully.

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