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Pakistan’s Rs 70 Trillion Debt Crisis: What will happen now?

Hey there! Today, we’re going to talk about something important happening in Pakistan. First, let’s learn about how much Debt money the country owes to others.

The Big News about Debt

First of all, Pakistan now owes more than Rs 70 trillion Debt. Moreover, this is the highest amount the country has ever owed. Additionally, this number went up by Rs 1.448 trillion in just two months!

Let’s Break This Debt Down Simply

To begin with, let’s split this money into two parts:

Debt Money Owed Inside Pakistan

  • Initially, this was already a big number
  • Then, it grew by Rs 1.179 trillion
  • As a result, now it’s Rs 48.34 trillion in Debt
  • Furthermore, this is money owed to Pakistani banks and people

Money Owed to Other Countries

  • Meanwhile, this part is Rs 22.023 trillion
  • Subsequently, it grew by 1.2%
  • Fortunately, the Pakistani rupee got a bit stronger
  • Therefore, this number didn’t grow too much

Why Did This Happen?


Here’s what led to this situation:

  • First, the government needed more money than it had
  • Next, it wasn’t collecting enough money from taxes
  • After that, it had to borrow more
  • Consequently, the total amount grew bigger

What Does This Mean for You and Me?

Let’s see how this affects everyone:

  • To begin with, prices of things might go up
  • Additionally, the government might need to collect more taxes
  • Furthermore, it might have less money to spend on schools and hospitals
  • Finally, it could affect how much things cost at the store

Think of It This Way

Imagine these simple examples:

  • First, it’s like when your piggy bank is empty
  • Then, you need to borrow from your family
  • Eventually, you need to pay it back
  • Similarly, Pakistan needs to pay back this money too

What Happens Next?

Here’s what Pakistan needs to do:

  • Firstly, spend money more carefully
  • Secondly, find ways to earn more
  • Thirdly, make better money choices
  • Lastly, work on fixing these problems

Simple Words to Know

Let’s learn some new words:

  • Debt: Money that needs to be paid back
  • Budget: Plan for spending money
  • Revenue: Money that comes in
  • Deficit: When you spend more than you have

To Sum It Up

In closing, Pakistan needs to be careful with money right now. However, understanding these problems is the first step to fixing them. Most importantly, everyone can help by learning about and understanding these issues.

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